Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Philosophy of Education Teachers Essays

Teaching Philosophy Statement Yesterday’s great thinkers are not nearly the same as today’s great thinkers! Along with modern technology and our country’s increasing emphasis on individuality and freedom, students today are accomplishing more personal goals and achieving much different aspirations than those of just twenty years ago. Therefore, with these realities comes the thought that educational philosophy, curriculum, and teaching methods should also change with the time. I do not want our schools to become manufacturers of â€Å"ideal† thinkers, where we just spit out little replicas of past instructors and educators. Our own philosophies of life rule our everyday decisions and how they affect those around us, and do our philosophies for the classroom. How we approach even the simplest of tasks relates to how the teacher will handle the classroom environment and its challenges. I hope one day to prove to my students that I am a person of education but not of harsh discipline. I want my role in the classroom to one of a facilitator no that of a dictator. My students will know that I am approachable for questions and discussion and I am friendly and the class mood that I will establish will be one that is informal, fun, and creative. There are so many people and students in this world and each of which has a slightly different view of life. That is what makes a world dynamic and interesting. I believe my educational philosophy stems from the progressive movement of thinking of such men as John Dewey and W. H. Kilpatrick. I want to show my future students that they have the power to change the world for the better, depending on whom they choose to take wise advice from and how they apply it to their lives and careers. An encouraging, more relaxed type of education such as the one I want to utilize, also known as Social Reconstructionism, is so important, I believe because the present students and intellectuals are our future leaders and government officials. We want to ensure that our students are given enough freedom to learn as an individual, along with some positive reinforcement and guidance for learning. I feel that I have a lot to instill in many students’ lives, and while I know that I cannot change the whole world, I can change my world.

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